Agenda item

Employment Policies and Procedures


Belinda Collins (OD/HR Business Partner) and Jules Potter (Head of Organisational Development) presented a reportthat sought approval of the new Managing Performance Policy and Procedure and the revised Learning and Development Policy.


Consultation on the policies had been undertaken with: the Trade Unions, Senior Leadership Team, Corporate Management Team, the Employee Engagement Forum, the Disability Forum and the Corporate Consultation Forum.


Members were provided with a summary of the main changes to the Managing Performance Policy and Procedure, which included:


  • Further guidance for managers regarding conducting one-to-one review meetings and tackling poor performance.  In addition, it provided guidance in respect of coaching an employee and handling difficult conversations.
  • An update to reflect the new performance review process.
  • Removal of the review stages in the current policy to provide a shorter timescale and swifter progression in the management of poor performance cases.
  • The addition of a Data Protection Regulations 2018 clause.


The Learning and Development Policy had been revised as follows:


  • Additional information regarding the Slough Academy apprenticeships programme had been incorporated.
  • Amendments had been made to reflect the transition from appraisals to the new performance review process.
  • The introduction of volunteers as learners in-line with Section 11 requirements had been included.
  • Clearer guidance informing managers how to apply for training funds to support development needs within their directorate.
  • Inclusion of information regarding the introduction of a new Learning Management System ‘Cornerstone’, following the implementation of the Policy.


A Member queried why the Managing Performance Policy and Procedure was scheduled to be internally reviewed every three years, rather than more frequently.


It was explained that a three yearly review process was considered good practice; however, the Policy could be reviewed earlier if considered necessary due to local or national requirements.  It was agreed that the front sheet of the Policy would be amended to make it explicit that the Policy could be reviewed earlier, if necessary.


In relation to performance management, a Member queried how long information was held on an employee’s record.  It was explained that this depended on the ‘sanction period’ which was time-limited.  Information was not kept unnecessarily and records were ‘cleansed’ appropriately.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the OD/HR Business Partner and the Head of Organisational Development for the report.


Resolved -


(a)  That the Managing Performance Policy and Procedure, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved.


(b)  That the Learning and Development Policy, as set out in Appendix 2 of the report be approved.

Supporting documents: