Agenda item

Actions Speak Louder…Programme Action Plan


The Committee received a report detailing feedback and  an action plan of next steps from the Actions Speak Louder.. Programme.


Members were advised of the key aims and learning outcomes of the Programme and the recommendations for action following feedback from the workshops.  Subject to Corporate Management Team approval the Council would implement the next steps in  the Programme by working with teams across the organisation to embed further how each employee can live their values consistently for the benefit of Slough through better service to their customers.


Members discussed the Programme to date and comments included:


·  Whether the Programme had had any impact on the number and types of grievances being lodged by staff.  Members were advised that it was too early to gauge at this stage but that the Committee would be advised in the next progress report.

·  Whether the workshop had been mandatory and all staff had attended.  Members were advised that it had been mandatory and 70% of the current staff had attended.

·  A concern that the Programme had not sufficiently addressed challenging Member behaviour or reinforced values around conduct and behaviours and that the Programme was not linked with the work the Monitoring Officer was undertaking on addressing with member behaviour and conduct.




(a)   That a progress report be submitted to the next meeting on:


·  The next steps to be taken on the Programme

·  The tangible themes for the next stage of the Programme;


(b)  That the Committee’s concerns about addressing Member behaviour be considered further..



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