Agenda item

Appointment of Appointments Sub Committee (Chief Executive)


The Committee considered a report seeking the appointment of the Appointments Sub Committee (Chief Executive).  A decision was needed as the recruitment to the vacancy was underway.


The Committee discussed the appropriate size for the Sub Committee.  A sub committee comprising  7 or  8 members was discussed and following debate a sub committee of eight was agreed.  The Committee agreed (with no dissent) that places be allocated on the sub committee as follows:


Leader and Deputy Leader (or their nominees) – Labour Group

Leader and Deputy Leader (or their nominees) – Conservative Group

Chair of Employment and Appeals Committee

Three further Labour members.


Nominations for the seats were considered and agreed as:


Councillors Swindlehurst, Hussain, Strutton, R Bains, Brooker, Carter, Sarfraz and Sabah.




(a)  That an Appointments Sub Committee (Chief Executive) be appointed to undertake the recruitment for the Council’s Chief Executive currently in process and that the Sub Committee comprise eight seats allocated as above.


(b)  That the terms of reference of the Sub Committee be as asset out in paragraph 5.7 of the report.


(c)  That members be appointed to serve on the Sub Committee as set out above in accordance with the wishes expressed by political groups in respect of seats allocated to them.

Supporting documents: