The Head of Organisational Development introduced a report that sought approval for a new Learning & Development Policy and Procedure for Council employees.
The policy aimed to make the Council an employer of choice to both assist employees reach their full potential and contribute to the achievement of the authority’s strategic objectives. It had been developed following extension consultation with unions, managers and the Employee Engagement Forum. There was dual responsibility for the organisation to support employees with their learning needs and on staff to take personal responsibility for upskilling. The performance management process was outlined that included regular one-to-ones, six-month reviews and an annual appraisal that included a personal development plan for each employee that identified their training needs. The policy included fines to departments for staff who did not attend training as well as buddying and mentoring schemes to support employee development. National Learning at Work week would provide an opportunity to share and promote the policy widely across the Council.
Members discussed employee engagement and the issue of employees not attending booked training. Officers explained the steps that were taken to address such issues and the Committee emphasised the importance of engaging staff in the process. The mechanisms to gather feedback from training provided was raised and Members suggested using modern, digital and engaging ways to collate views and responses. Members welcomed the approach that was being taken and encouraged cross-departmental working, for example through buddying and mentoring, to break down perceived barriers in the Council.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee approved the new Learning and Development Policy and Procedure.
Resolved – That the Learning and Development Policy and Procedure, as at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.
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