The Head of Organisational Development provided an interim update to the Committee on the Actions Speak Louder… mandatory training programme. All staff had been required to undertake the interactive sessions delivered by the Garnett Foundation and the last session had been held on 29th March.
Members asked about the staff response to the programme and it was noted that 98% of participants fully or partly understood the importance of following the SBC values. The initial feedback highlighted issues including the accessibility of line management, value of the appraisal system and cross working between Council departments. An evaluation of the programme would be undertaken to inform an action plan. It was agreed that the Committee would consider the action plan at the next meeting.
Resolved –
(a) That the interim update on the Actions Speak Louder…programme be noted.
(b) That the Committee receive a further report at the next meeting on the evaluation of the programme and the action plan.
(c) That it be noted that the Garnett Foundation’s professional actors would perform a short sketch at the staff conference on April 26 to demonstrate the impact of changed behaviour on others.
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