Agenda item

Implementation of Self Service Elements of the Financial and Human Resources System - Agresso


The Service Lead, People introduced a report on the progress of the introduction of the self service function on the financial and human resources system known as Agresso.


The HR self service elements had gone ‘live’ for staff on 1st April 2018 and enabled employees to carry out a range of functions such as booking leave, submitting expenses, receiving payslips and reporting sickness through the online system.  The benefits included reduced paperwork and processing costs, and the provision of real time information and management reports on a range of issues.  There had been a significant investment in training for all staff to ensure the system was introduced as smoothly as possible and a range of resources were available to employees and managers to provide the necessary ongoing support.


(Councillor Qaseem joined the meeting)


The initial feedback from staff had been positive and the number of calls to the helpdesk was in line with expectations and was already reducing.  In response to a question it was noted that only staff that had undertaken the training had been given access to the system.  There had been some glitches identified during the first two weeks of implementation, which was to be expected, although the Committee was assured that the issues were being addressed and it was considered that the introduction had been successful overall.  Phase 2 of the programme would include consideration of using online tools for other HR services such as appraisals and a further report would be brought to the Committee in the future.


A Member queried the Council policy of providing VAT receipts for fuel when submitting mileage claims as practice varied in different organisations.  The Service Lead People and Director of Finance & Resources agreed to take the necessary formal advice from to clarify the Council position and update Members accordingly.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update on the implementation of the self service elements of the Agresso system be noted.


(b)  That the Committee receive a report at a future meeting on Phase 2 of the HR elements of the Agresso system.

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