Agenda item

Pay Policy Statement Update 2018/19


The Service Lead People introduced a report that provided Members with an update of the revisions to the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19.  The Committee was requested to recommend approval to full Council.


The revised Pay Policy reflected the new senior management structure which came in effect in October 2017.  Members had previously raised the issue of compliance with the obligation to pay the National Living Wage and it was confirmed that the Council paid above this level and a commitment to comply was set out in paragraph 1.4 of the Statement.  The ratio between the remuneration of the Chief Executive and lowest paid employees was lower than previously reported as the base salary of the Chief Executive had been reduced.


Members asked a number of questions about the Statement and further information was requested on whether the cost of living pay award was calculated using the CPI or RPI measure of inflation.  The cost of the Monitoring Officer (MO) function was raised and the previous and current MO were paid a daily rate of £650 as part of the interim arrangements which would continue in the short term to deal with a high backlog of complaints under the Councillors’ Code of Conduct and to address a number of identified governance issues.  It was noted that if the position was added to the role of an existing member of staff, as envisaged, a supplement would be paid but the overall cost would be reduced.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee agreed that the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 would be recommended to full Council.


Recommended –  That details of the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 be approved.

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