Agenda item

Management Information on the Workforce - HR Indicators - January 2012 to March 2012


The committee considered a report setting out key management information and HR indicators on the Workforce January 2012 to March 2012.  The Assistant Director of Professional Services advised that the information that had been provided was not 100% accurate and that the Council was working with ARVATO to ensure the robustness of the data.  Members of the committee drew attention to their concerns with regard to the workforce profile particularly with regard to salary scale data versus areas of under and over representation of the various communities in the workforce.  The Assistant Director advised that some work could be done with regard to “triangulating” this data with the census data and undertook to bring a report back to the September meeting.  Members raised an issue with regard to the number of agency staff used and their length of tenure and it was agreed that this information would be included in the report to be produced for the committee in September.  This report would also include “self employed” contractor appointments.  Members were particularly concerned about the days lost in Community and Wellbeing and felt that more information was needed on jobs and sickness by reason. 


Resolved – That the report be noted. 

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