Agenda item

Wellbeing Strategy


The Committee considered a report detailing the work currently underway to improve overall staff wellbeing and reduce employee absenteeism.  The Assistant Director of Professional Services advised that the Council was committed to providing a working environment and management practices that promoted the good health and wellbeing of all its employees thus reducing the occurrence of absence and related costs.  Whilst it was inevitable that people became ill and would sometimes need to take time away from work, the Council had identified a need to improve the overall level of wellbeing amongst its employees and reduce the sickness absence levels.  Members discussed the main causes of absence and expressed concern that many staff indicated stress as a reason for absence.  Members of the Committee asked for a report on the absence due to stress prior to and since the move to St Martin’s Place.  Members of the Committee confirmed their view that the “welcome back” to work interviews after a period of sickness were critical and that referral to Occupational Health needed to be considered further as, at present, it was left to Manager’s discretion.  Members welcomed a further report on the Wellbeing Strategy to their meeting in September which would include further work on the incentives to increase exercise and activity, review of new occupational health contract implementation and proposed changes to the sickness absence policy following consultation with the trade unions. 


Resolved – That the key principles of the Wellbeing Strategy be endorsed.


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