This page lists the meetings for Cabinet Urgency procedure - Leader's Action.
To take decisions under section 2.11 (Urgency procedure - Leader’s Action) of Part 4.4 (Executive Procedure Rules) of the Council’s Constitution, when an urgent decision needs to be taken in circumstances where to wait until the next scheduled meeting of the Executive (Cabinet) would be prejudicial to the best interests of the Council, then;
· The Leader (or in his absence, the Deputy Leader) may, after consultation with the relevant Lead Member, take the decision.
· Before taking a Key Decision, the Leader (or Deputy Leader) must first consider whether the importance of the matter warrants the calling of a special meeting of the Executive.
· The decision must be taken in a way that fully complies with the Access to Information Rules and in particular, if relevant, with the rules relating to “key decisions”.
· A copy of the minutes of the decision must be published within two clear working days of the decision and published on the Council’s website with electronic notification given.
It should be noted that where a decision is deemed to be urgent, and where the Access to Information Procedure Rules has been followed, that decision will not be subject to the call-in procedure provided the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee agrees.