Agenda and draft minutes

Slough Health & Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 18th October, 2022 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, SL1 2EL

Contact: Manize Talukdar  07871 982 919


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 9 and Appendix B of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed.


No declarations were made.


Minutes of the last meeting held on 20 July 2022 pdf icon PDF 113 KB


Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2022 be approved as a correct record.


Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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The Integration Delivery Lead at Frimley CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) provided an overview of the report the Better Care Find Plan 2022/23.


The Vice Chair asked whether future such reports could provide an age breakdown of Slough residents, and state what proportion of the BCF was spent on each age group.  A third of Slough’s population was aged 0-19 years, and this information would help ensure that the funding of vulnerable children living in deciles one to three, was proportionate to their needs.


The Integration Delivery Lead at Frimley replied that he would look into providing this data in future such reports. He added that there was a requirement to reflect the priorities of the JSNA (joint strategic needs analysis), health inequalities and several other national requirements.  There were plans to invest in prevention initiatives as well as managing current demand, for example there were plans to invest in mental health services in schools and substance misuse programmes.  It was a matter of prioritising a limited pot.


The Vice Chair emphasised the vital importance of investing in upstream preventive work, otherwise demand would continue to rise, and services would not be in a position to meet this.


The Chair asked what proportion of the funding was allocated to preventive measures. The Integration Delivery Lead replied that some public health elements such as falls prevention, healthy lifestyle initiatives and re-ablement services were funded by the BCF. 


The Vice Chair stated that he would like to see the focus shift to primary prevention, which was focussed on children.


The Director of Adult Services stated that the approach to allocating funding needed to be re-framed and priorities re-shaped to meet forthcoming challenges.  He added that going forward, his service area would be in a more stable position and the team would have more time to plan next year’s allocation.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Pharmaceutical Needs Analysis pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


The SBC Deputy Director of Public Health presented an overview of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25.  He advised that the Director of Public Health had signed off the PNA for publication.


The Chair asked about the survey results and what the Board could do to encourage residents to seek advice from their local pharmacy, where appropriate, to help relieve the pressure on busy GP practices.


The SBC Deputy Director of Public Health advised that 131 responses had been received from Slough residents.  Most respondents had indicated they preferred to use their nearest pharmacy.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Strong, Healthy & Attractive Neighbourhoods update pdf icon PDF 113 KB


The SBC Active Communities Manager presented a report entitled Strong, Healthy & Active Neighbourhoods Update.


Following questions from the Chair, the SBC Active Communities Manager advised that a health & wellbeing consultation was live in eight wards and undertook to share the link to the web consultation page with partners.  She added that the Community Development Team were operating a twelve-month pilot jointly with the PCNs (Primary Care Networks) which was aimed at tackling health inequalities. She undertook to discuss with the Interim Locality Place Director Slough, next steps in relation to the twelve-month pilot project and would provide a verbal update regarding the matter at future Board meeting.


Following a question from the Vice Chair regarding community engagement, the SBC Active Communities Manager advised that her team worked closely with key community figures who could broker relationships with the local community, and used different platforms to raise awareness, engagement and disseminate information. 


The representative from Healthwatch advised that a local health and wellbeing GP lead in Slough had been in touch regarding setting up a community health & wellbeing panel to discuss topics such as diabetes, isolation, hypertension etc with residents. The SBC Active Communities Manager advised that she would be discussing this matter further with Healthwatch.


The Vice Chair shared that his GP practice had undertaken a strategy meeting where patients had been invited along to participate. Patients had made a valuable contribution to the discussion, and in his view, all practices would benefit from involving patients in their strategy meetings.


Referring to the Safer Slough Partnership and the recent increase in violent crime among young people in Slough and initiatives to tackle drugs, alcohol and substance misuse, the Chair suggested that it would be valuable to gain greater insight into this issue.  She proposed that the Police representative on the Board be asked to deliver a verbal briefing to the Board regarding how anti-social behaviour, alcohol and substance misuse, and violence among young people was being tackled and how young people could be better supported. This was agreed. The SBC Active Communities Manager advised that many survey respondents had cited anti-social behaviour as having a negative impact on their health and wellbeing.


Action 1 - The SBC Active Communities Manager to share the link to the health and wellbeing web consultation page with partner organisations.


Action 2 – The Community Development Team to engage with Councillors and others to explore how residents could become involved in some of the initiatives discussed in the report.


Action 3 – The SBC Active Communities Manager to discuss with the Interim Locality Place Director Slough, NHS Frimley CCG, next steps in relation to the twelve-month pilot project.


Action 4 – The representative from Thames Valley Police to be asked to deliver a verbal briefing to the Board regarding how anti-social behaviour, alcohol and substance misuse, and violence among young people was being tackled and how young people could be better supported.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Slough Wellbeing Board Annual Report pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:


The SBC Strategy & Policy Lead gave a brief overview of the Board’s Annual Report, 2021-22.


Following a comment from the Chair regarding workstreams relating to the four priority areas contained in the Board’s strategy and how the Board could be more effective, the SBC Strategy & Policy Lead stated that at a recent informal ICB (integrated Care Board) event discussions had focussed on not duplicating work across partner organisations. 


He added that the wider determinants of health and wellbeing could become a key focal point for the Board’s activities.  The Board could reassess its strategy following the final release of the latest census data in November.


The SBC Director of Adults stated that the CQC had released thirty-six quality statements in relation to what constituted ‘good’ as a benchmark.  These would form the basis for delivering joint health and care systems going forward.  He added that forty-seven thousand people in Slough were living in poverty deciles 2 and 3 and it was important to be mindful of the wider determinants of health when planning service delivery.


The SBC Deputy Director of Public Health advised that the partnership Board would look into how levels of poverty in Slough compared to the rest of Frimley.  ‘Priority one – Starting Well’ was being refreshed by Frimley and the new lead appointed to the public health team would be focussing on workplace health.  He would look at opportunities for the Board to be involved in this work.


The Vice Chair advised that Slough had three times the number of people living in deciles one, two and three (seventeen thousand of whom were children) in comparison to the rest of the Frimley area. The wider partnership would be looking to the Board to lead the way in supporting vulnerable families and children.


Resolved - That the report be noted.


NHS Frimley CCG Annual Report pdf icon PDF 3 MB


No representative from Frimley CCG was present to introduce the report.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


ICS & Place


The Chair advised that she had recently attended the first inaugural meeting of the People’s Assembly, which was a sub-group of the ICP (integrated care partnership). The Assembly was made up of Chairs of Wellbeing Boards in Frimley and other partners organisations and would provide an opportunity to discuss topics such as the future direction of the ICS and commissioning. 


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved – That the Work Programme be noted.



Date of Next Meeting


Thursday 24 November, 2022 at 5.00pm.