Venue: Meeting Room 2, Chalvey Community Centre, The Green, Chalvey, Slough, SL1 2SP
Contact: Neil Fraser 01753 875015
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Pecuniary or non pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 3 paragraphs 3.25 – 3.27 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 3.28 of the Code.
The Chair will ask Members to confirm that they do not have a declarable interest.
All Members making a declaration will be required to complete a Declaration of Interests at Meetings form detailing the nature of their interest. Minutes: |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th March 2015 PDF 132 KB Minutes: |
Matters Arising Minutes: |
Introduction to the Role of the Committee and Workforce Issues for the Year Ahead Minutes: |
Revised Employee Code of Conduct PDF 70 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Sickness Absence Performance Update PDF 64 KB Additional documents: Minutes: |
Temporary Agency Staff - Progress on Implementation and Baseline Monitoring PDF 95 KB Minutes: |
Appointment of Appeals Sub-Committee PDF 59 KB Minutes: |
Work Programme 2015/16 Minutes: |
Minutes: |
Date of Next Meeting - 20th October 2015 Minutes: |