Issue - meetings

Slough Urban Renewal - Update

Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 38)

38 Slough Urban Renewal - Update pdf icon PDF 159 KB

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Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 46)

Slough Urban Renewal - Update - Appendices

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Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Cabinet Committee - Asset Disposals (Item 12)

Slough Urban Renewal - Update - Appendices

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Resolved –  That the Part II Appendices be noted.

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Cabinet Committee - Asset Disposals (Item 6)

6 Slough Urban Renewal - Update pdf icon PDF 159 KB

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Lead Member for Financial Oversight, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenue & Benefits introduced a report that provided an update on the Slough Urban Renewal (SUR) joint venture partnership.  It was noted that having declared an interest Councillor Ahmed did not participate in the discussion or vote on the item.


The report included recommendations which would enable the disposal of key sites to generate capital receipts for the Council, reduce the Council’s financial commitments and secure best value in accordance with the Council’s Asset Disposals Strategy and statutory obligations.  The Lead Member highlighted that the approach being taken was to dispose of assets, not continue to develop through SUR as had been the case in the past, with a view to then winding up the partnership.  It was noted that decisions to dispose of the North West Quadrant and Montem sites had already been taken and future decisions would be required on other assets such as Haymill.  Members considered and agreed the Site Development Plan for this site and delegated authority to officers to pursue a disposal strategy.  The Committee supported the approach to disengage from SUR as set out in the report.


The updated SUR Business Plan for 2023 to 2028 was considered and it was agreed to recommend approval to Cabinet on 18th September 2023.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Site Development Plan (SDP) for Haymill be agreed and delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Property, Planning & Housing in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the section 151 officer to pursue a disposal strategy (including the negotiation and agreement of legal documents that give effect to the disposal) and to report back to Cabinet for approval of the Adopted SDP and the final agreed disposal terms, subject to the demonstration of best value consideration for the disposal.


(b)  That the progress and status of key sites including the North West Quadrant (NWQ) site, Montem Lane, Stoke Wharf and Wexham be noted.


Recommended to Cabinet –


(c)  That the 2023 updated SUR business plan (covering the five-year period 2023 – 2028) be agreed.