Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To receive the revenue and capital budget monitor for
quarter 1 (April to June 2024).
To approve the following:
- General Fund (Revenue) – A projected outturn of
£171.568m, being £11.817m overspend (7%) on an approved
budget of £160.202m.
- A virement of £1.000m from the Contingency
budget to the Corporate Resources budget in respect of a savings
target for Business Rates Income that will not be realised until
2025/26 .
- Subject to appropriate due diligence, develop the
suite of Recovery Actions to deliver mitigations of up to
£11.423m as outlined in Appendix 9 .
- Approve the following actions:
Adult Social Care reserve – Defer recruitment for an
additional Financial Assessment and Benefits Officer
Better Care Fund reserve – utilise carry
Public Health reserve – Uncommitted reserve to meet
eligible public health overspend within the General Fund
That Cabinet note the following based on
the above approvals:
- General Fund (GF) (Capital) – The revised capital
budget (approved at July cabinet) is £35.428m with a
projected outturn of £33.560m resulting in underspend of
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA Revenue)
– A surplus of
£3.734m is forecast against a budgeted surplus of
£3.477m, a favourable variance of £0.257m.
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA Capital)
– The revised
capital budget (approved at July cabinet) is £25.003m with a
projected outturn of £16.941m resulting in an underspend of
- Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG)
– There is an
overspend of £0.155m in the Schools Block due to higher than
anticipated costs for growth in 2024/25. Further details are set
out in para. 7 of this report including the risks
- Council Tax and Business Rates
collection – As at 30 June 2024, actual council tax collected
was 28.05% (target 29.10%) and actual business rate collected was
29.75% (target 30.5%).
- Sundry Debt – Total outstanding sundry debt including
adult social care debt as at 30 June 2024 was £13.848m. Based
on the age profile of the debt, £5.342m is the calculated bad
debt provision (39%).
- Financial Resilience – The Council remains committed to
improving financial resilience, moving towards financial
sustainability and improvement in governance and process as laid
out in the Directions issued by Government and a capitalisation
direction for exceptional finance support in 2024/25.
- Once the Council has concluded the outstanding
financial accounts, a formal financial resilience statement will be
Publication date: 06/09/2024
Date of decision: 16/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/09/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 25/09/2024
Accompanying Documents: