Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider a report on the accounting treatment of the capital receipt arising from the disposal of the former Akzo Nobel site and principle of future such accounting treatments.
(a) That the accounting treatment of the excess capital receipt arising from the disposal of the Akzo Nobel site in 2022 as outlined in paragraphs 2.14 to 2.16 of the report be noted.
(b) That the principle set out in regard to the accounting treatment to be applied for any HRA disposals, should those circumstances apply, as outlined in paragraph 2.17 of this report be agreed.
(c) That it be agreed that confirmation be provided to Full Council annually, when setting the HRA budget, that the criteria outlined in paragraph 2.10 of the report had been met.
Report author: Annabel Scholes
Publication date: 05/07/2024
Date of decision: 15/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 15/07/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/07/2024
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