Decision details

Station Road Burnham Active Travel Scheme

Decision Maker: Executive Director - Regeneration, Housing and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


In February 2023, officers submitted a bid to Active Travel England’s (Department for Transport) Active Travel Fund 4 for the Station Road Burnham Active Travel Scheme, Burnham Corridor Active Travel Scheme and Uxbridge Road Active Travel Scheme. From the three schemes submitted, the Station Road Burnham Active Travel Scheme was the only successful bid. In March 2023, Slough Borough Council was awarded £413,000 to design, construct and monitor in line with the Cycle Infrastructure Design Guidance Local Transport Note 1/20 (LTN1/20), a cycle route along Station Road (Burnham) between its junctions with Burnham Lane and the A4 Bath Road.

Officers have now developed preliminary designs for the scheme, including a new off-road, two-way,mostly-segregated cycle route along Station Road (Burnham) between its junctions with Burnham Lane and the A4 Bath Road, traffic signals to allow cyclists to use the railway underpass in both directions, and better walking and cycling conditions.

The Station Road Burnham Active Travel Scheme aims to:

• provide better, safer cycling and walking conditions along Station Road (Burnham)
• improve access to and from Burnham rail station and between Burnham rail station and the

A4 Bath Road (including the planned A4 Cycle Route)

• reduce the north-south severance imposed by the narrow railway underpass
• provide facilities that encourage cycling and walking as alternative, sustainable and low cost modes of transport that will help residents improve their physical and mental health and save money
• help people access facilities more easily
• improve air quality and reduce congestion, carbon emissions and noise pollution by reducing private car journeys.


That the consultation exercise on the proposed design for the scheme is undertaken to gather feedback from local residents, commuters, ward members and statutory consultees.

That the necessary traffic orders are prepared and consulted on in preparation for the scheme delivery.

Alternative options considered:

As set out in the full Significant Decision report available to download.

Publication date: 27/09/2024

Date of decision: 18/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: