Decision details

ITS Maintenance Contract

Decision Maker: Executive Director - Regeneration, Housing and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this Significant Decision is to seek authority to approve the award of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Maintenance contract to the successful tenderer.


Slough Borough Council in conjunction with Reading Borough Council, Wokingham Borough Council, West Berkshire District Council and Bracknell Forest Borough Council in 2024 tendered for the provision of maintenance of their ITS equipment - including new installations and repair services - to external parties.

Cabinet approved on 17th October the procurement route via Reading BC and delegated authority to the Executive Director for Place and Community (now Regeneration, Housing and Environment) in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport & the Local Environment (now Housing, Highways, Planning and Transport), to approve the successful tenderer and enter into contract.

Two tenders were submitted for evaluation and the responses assessed and graded by two separate independent panels Commercial and Technical and composed of members from each participating Berkshire Local Authority during March 2024.

Following the evaluation process Yunex was selected as the preferred contractor. This contract following the standstill period will commence early September 2024 for a period of five years with an option to extend for a further five years.

The management of the contract as per the cabinet report will be through Reading BC but with input from Slough and the other LA’s in Berkshire.

Services that will be covered by the new contract will include the following:

- Traffic Signals including Pedestrian Crossings – maintenance and repairs
- Upgrades to traffic signal equipment
- Maintenance and Repairs to other ITS equipment i.e. Variable Message Signs, Bluetooth equipment etc.

This new contract will provide a compliant contract for the council and contribute to better controls with regard to response times.

National and Local Policies:
The maintenance of the traffic signal network is an important tool and means to improve the health of local residents and their safety on the roads across Slough.

Failure to do so adequately would increase the danger to all road users and so this new contract would greatly assist the Council in achieving its aims expressed in the Corporate Improvement and

Recovery Plan Corporate Plan 2023-27 (A fresh start) priorities but especially;

• Priority 2 - A town where residents can live healthier, safer and more independent lives and
• Priority 3 – A cleaner, healthier and more prosperous Slough.

Legal Implications:

Traffic signals and other signs are regulated by the Road Traffic Act 1984 and once installed they must be maintained in a serviceable condition, failure to do so would put us in breach of the Act and open to legal action.


That the successful tenderer Yunex is awarded the contract to maintain and upgrade traffic signal equipment as well as other ITS infrastructure around the borough.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 01/08/2024

Date of decision: 18/06/2024