Decision details

Procurement of a new Council’s Clearswift licencing Contract

Decision Maker: Executive Director - Strategy & Transformation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A licence renewal was approved to ensure all content and attachments on incoming and outgoing emails are scanned for viruses and malware and that spam emails are blocked as well as restricting Staff from accessing undesirable or inappropriate websites.

No conflicts of interest were declared.


The Clearswift licences are required to ensure the Council’s email and web gateway appliances remain licenced and in support. This is required to ensure filtering and protection is in place for incoming and outgoing emails as well as website access. Without the email and web gateway appliance, the Council could be exposed to viruses, malware, and undesirable content.

The current licence contract was due to expire on 31st March 2023.

Following a procurement exercise, the ED for Strategy & Improvement approved the one licence renewal with Bechtle UK for the Council’s Clearswift licences costing £0.053m.

Alternative options considered:

The only option considered was to undertake a competitive tender in line with SBC Contract Procedure Rules and PCR 2015. A further competition was conducted electronically via Crown Commercial Services Framework, Technology Products and Associated Services (TePAS) RM6068, Lot 3 using SBC’s SE Shared Services e-Tender Portal.

Following the procurement exercise, the ED for Strategy & Improvement approved the award of a 1-year contract to the 1st ranked supplier, Bechtle UK for the supply of Clearswift licences – lot 2.

Publication date: 26/05/2023

Date of decision: 19/04/2023