Decision details

New classrooms, land appropriation and car park extension for Arbour Vale School

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider a report on the procurement of modular buildings and land arrangements at Arbour Vale school.


(a)  Agreed that the Council commissions the design and construction of a 4-classroom block at Arbour Vale School on its behalf to open 1st September 2024 or as soon thereafter as possible;


(b)  Agreed that a budget of up to £1.70m be approved for the project to be funded via DfE capital grant for expansion of SEND provision;


(c)  Agreed to waive the Council’s internal Contract Procurement rules and approve the direct award for the construction contract to Lansdowne Green SIPS;


(d)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Education in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services, to finalise and enter into all necessary legal documents, for the timely delivery of the project;


(e)  Approved the disposal of 3,904m2 of land as shown in Appendix 2 to the report and being land adjacent to Arbour Vale School at nil value to the Orchard Hill College Academy Trust (OHCAT) on a standard academy lease;


(f)  Approved a budget of £2.4m for delivery of the construction of a car park on land to be leased, to be funded via DfE capital grant for expansion of SEND provision;


(g)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services, to award contract and enter into all necessary legal documents for the timely delivery of the car park project;


(h)  Approved an increase in the GF Capital Programme for 2024/25 of £4.805m comprising unspent Special School Expansion grant resources carried forward from 2023/24 (£1.504m) and additional grant funding allocated to SBC through the High Needs Provision Capital Allocation 2024/25 of £3.301m, to align the budget with the wider SEND expansion capital programme.  Future allocations within the SEND expansion programme will be subject to appropriate governance.

Report author: Neil Hoskinson

Publication date: 05/06/2024

Date of decision: 03/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 03/06/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: