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Admissions Forum
Agreed Syllabus Conference
Appeals Committee
Appeals Sub-Committee
Appointments Committee
Audit and Corporate Governance
Audit and Risk Committee
Audit Committee
Berkshire Local Transport Body
Berkshire Pension Fund Advisor
Best Value Intervention Commis
Cabinet Commercial Sub-Committ
Cabinet Committee
Cabinet Urgency procedure - Le
Community and Cultural Service
Community, Leisure and Environ
Corporate Improvement Scrutiny
Corporate Parenting Panel
Council - Extraordinary
Customer and Community Scrutin
Education and Children's Servi
Employment Appeals Sub-Committ
Employment Committee
Green & Built Environment Scru
Health Scrutiny Panel
Independent Panel
Investigating and Disciplinary
Joint Health and Green & Built
Joint Parenting Panel
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Local Access Forum
Member Briefing for ECS Scruti
Neighbourhoods and Community S
Neighbourhoods and Renewal Scr
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
People Scrutiny Panel
Place Scrutiny Panel
Planning Committee
Slough Children's Trust Board
Slough Focus Partnership Board
Slough Health & Wellbeing Boar
Slough Local Safeguarding Chil
Slough Outbreak Engagement Boa
Slough Schools Forum
Standards Advisory Committee
Standards Committee
Standards Determination Sub-Co
Standing Advisory Council on R
Statutory Officers' Disciplina
Thames Valley Police and Crime
Trustee Committee
Urgency Procedure - Executive
Voluntary Sector Members' Pane
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abbasi, Councillor Amjad Abba
Ahmed, Councillor Ejaz Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Iftakhar Ah
Ajaib, Councillor Zaffar Ajai
Akram, Councillor Sabia Akram
Anderson, Councillor Robert A
Bedi, Councillor Puja Bedi
Carter, Councillor Martin F.
Chahal, Councillor Wal Chahal
Dar, Councillor Haqeeq Dar
Dauti, Councillor Siobhan Dau
Dhillon, Councillor Balwinder
Escott, Councillor Andrea Esc
Gahir, Councillor Harjinder S
Gill, Councillor Bally Gill
Hulme, Councillor Christine H
Iftakhar, Councillor Adil Ift
Instone, Councillor Mark Inst
Kelly, Councillor Paul Kelly
Khawar, Councillor Nadeem Kha
Manku, Councillor Gurcharan M
Mann, Councillor Pavitar Kaur
Matloob, Councillor Fiza A. M
Mohammad, Councillor Maroof B
Mohindra, Councillor Subhash
Muvvala, Councillor Chandra M
Naveed, Councillor Asim Navee
Nazir, Councillor Mohammed Na
O’Kelly, Councillor Frank O’K
Parmar, Councillor Dilbagh S.
Qaseem, Councillor Naveeda Qa
Rana, Councillor Neel Rana
Sabah, Councillor Jamila Saba
Sabah, Councillor Waqas Sabah
Satti, Councillor Zafar Satti
Shah, Councillor Ishrat Shah
Shaik, Councillor Mabu Shaik
Smith, Councillor Dexter J. S
Stedmond, Councillor Robert S
Tomar, Councillor Dhruv Tomar
Wright, Councillor Anna Wrigh
Zarait, Councillor Rifaqat Za
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period