Issue - decisions

St Martin's Place Redevelopment Update

22/01/2021 - St Martin's Place Redevelopment Update

(a)  That it be agreed that the preferred option to redevelop SMP be as follows:


i.  To reconfigure the existing building under Permitted Development (“PD”) rights to provide 64 properties.

ii.  To transfer the asset to the HRA to develop a 100% affordable housing project funded via the HRA through a combination of borrowing, commuted sums and capital receipts.

iii.  To incorporate car parking spaces for the Ice Arena and drop-off car parking for Claycotts Primary School. 


(b)  To facilitate business planning, agree to provide delegated authority for the Executive Director of Place, following consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Executive Director of Corporate Operations to undertake the following:


i.  Identify the preferred procurement route for construction works based on a combination of quality, cost and deliverability and undertake market testing to identify a cost base for the proposed business plan.

ii.  Identify vacant sites within the HRA that could be disposed of and undertake any necessary consultation on disposal of these assets.

iii.  Undertake a more detailed options appraisal, linked to current Council priorities, to inform a final business case for SMP.


(c)  Note that a report would be brought back to Cabinet in Q1 2021/22 to seek approval for the full business plan.