Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Panel Scorecard


The SCF head of children looked after & support service presented the Corporate Parenting Panel Scorecard Summary for 2023 up to 10 October.

(Cllr Qaseem joined the meeting)

Members considered and discussed the performance indicators and highlighted the following:

  • Welcomed the increase from the previous year to 61.5% of CLA (children looked after) (aged under 16 and in care for 2.5 years or more) in a stable placement but noted was lower compared to statistical neighbours at 92% in the same period. Members requested further details as to the reason why this was the case. It was highlighted that finding the right placements for children was a challenge nationally and the complexities of the placements was a contributory factor.
  • Noted that CLA seen alone within timescale had risen from the previous year to 85.7% and asked whether those waiting to be seen were placed as priority. It was confirmed that social workers placed the children as priority to be seen before six weeks.
  • There had been an increase to 50% from the previous year of CEYP (care experienced young people) (aged 19-21) that were in Education, Employment or Training (EET). Members pointed out that this was still an issue and should be raised during proposed training sessions and also put forward to CLT to consider job opportunities for CEYP. It was noted that the SCF Head of Service, HR & OD would look at SBC job application form and find out whether CLT could review and consider job opportunities for Care Experienced young people. The Virtual School head confirmed that the school worked with CEYP to prepare them for working life as part of their Pathway Plans.
  • Noted that that the average number of young people allocated to CEYP Personal Advisors had increased to 27.1 compared to the previous year (24.8).


The Panel Resolved to: Note the Corporate Parenting Panel Scorecard

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