Agenda item

Feedback from Development Session and Next Steps


The panel agreed that the Corporate Parenting Panel Workshop led by the

LGA (local government association) on 26 October 2023, had provided an

 informative and helpful overview of corporate parenting and the role of the CPP.


(Caroline Bartos joined the meeting)


It discussed that further work was needed in promoting the principles of

 corporate parenting and the importance of the Corporate Parenting Panel,

 to all councillors (Cllrs), officers and partner agencies.


Training sessions led by the LGA would therefore be arranged for councillors (Cllrs) and officers in 2024. It was also proposed that this training should also be incorporated with the currently arranged training for CLT (corporate leadership team). The training for CLT would be in the form of a workshop during the day, followed by an evening session for the Cllrs. Further details would be provided following liaison with the LGA.

The director of children’s services, chief executive of Slough Children First (SCF) requested a written submission from the LGA to evidence the workshop session they had facilitated.

The Panel Resolved to: Note the feedback from the development session and the next
