Agenda item

Recommendation of the Employment Committee held on 25th September 2023

·  Senior Management Restructure


It was moved by Councillor Zarait,

Seconded by Councillor Smith,


a)  “That the contents of the report are noted.

b)  That the chief officer structure as set out in Appendix A be approved and agree the pay grades for the new Director posts which includes grades over £100,000.

c)  That the other proposed changes to the structure at Appendix A that the head of paid service intends to make be noted and approve the redundancy package(s) set out in Appendix B.

d)  Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential changes to the Constitution, including Article 12, Part 3.6 Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Part 4.7 Officer Employment Procedure Rules, and Part 7.

e)  Delegate to the chief executive in consultations with the leader decisions to depart from the multi-borough agreement to share a statutory Director of Public Health (recruitment to that post will then be conducted in the normal way).”


The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed with 36 votes for and 1 abstention.


Resolved –


a)  That the contents of the report are noted.

b)  That the chief officer structure as set out in Appendix A be approved and agree the pay grades for the new Director posts which includes grades over £100,000.

c)  That the other proposed changes to the structure at Appendix A that the head of paid service intends to make be noted and approve the redundancy package(s) set out in Appendix B.

d)  Authorise the Monitoring Officer to make any consequential changes to the Constitution, including Article 12, Part 3.6 Scheme of Delegation to Officers, Part 4.7 Officer Employment Procedure Rules, and Part 7.

e)  Delegate to the chief executive in consultations with the leader decisions to depart from the multi-borough agreement to share a statutory Director of Public Health (recruitment to that post will then be conducted in the normal way).

Supporting documents: