Agenda item

To receive the Mayor's Communications.


The Mayor outlined the various engagements he had undertaken since the annual meeting, which included citizenship ceremonies and visiting local schools amongst others.


Members were informed that the Mayor had selected “Together as One” as his Mayoral charity.  Together As One was a youth-led charity bringing communities ‘together as one’ through training, youth work and creative projects.

The Council was currently conducting a consultation on the draft Corporate Plan and Members were reminded to complete the online questionnaire and share it with their contacts.

The Mayor informed Members that he would be retaining a Church of England Chaplain and also have his Imam providing prayers/moments of reflection.  The Chaplain and Imam would take turns to provide prayers at Full Council. 

The Mayor extended the Council’s congratulations to the Monitoring Officer who had recently been given a lifetime achievement award by his professional association, Lawyers in Local Government, for his ‘Significant Contribution to Local Government Legal Practice’.