Agenda item

Local School Improvement Fund


JC reminded Forum members that the Slough Local School Improvement is a sum of money set aside over a number of years for school improvement. The fund was originally set up using DSG underspend and additional underspends from LA budget lines associated with school improvement.  These were transferred to a ring-fenced fund held on behalf of local schools by the Slough Teaching School Alliance (STSA)and to be directed towards school improvement projects. When the STSA company was finally wound up earlier this year, the final balance of £162k included the remaining balance of the local school improvement funds, and the remaining operating surplus from STSA’s activities. In addition a further sum of around £70k originally held within the primary phase has remained unspent for a number of years. This was originally set aside for a recruitment focused marketing project, with a more recent agreement by Forum to put that money back into the LSIF.


JC advised that the proposed used of the LSIF  proposal was the a result of discussions between PC, PR and NB, thinking about how to utilise that money to best advantage over the next couple of years. The key issue is, who looks after the money and who authorizes its allocation. The proposal  set out in the paper asked Forum to agree to apportion the LSIF funds to the primary and secondary phases, and for the primary and secretary phase associations to decide on how it would be spent. .


PC confirmed that this had been discussed at length within SASH meetings and at the Slough Education Partnership Board, and also emphasised the willingness of schools to work cross-phase to make really good use of this money. PR confirmed that this from the primary phase and noted that there were already provisional plans in place for a joint conference day between the phases using some of this funding.


NH confirmed that he fully supported the use of the LSIF funds in this way, noting that school improvement should be led by schools. The LA could offer people, knowledge and links to support this.


JC thanked NH and proposed that a plan be brought back in September for Forum’s approval around the allocation for the next academic year, with a regular report back to Forum on how that money is being used.  Forum members endorsed this proposal and agreed with the principles for the administration of the LSIF set out in the paper.

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