Agenda item

Early Help Partnership Strategy


Approved the adoption and implementation of the Early Help Partnership Strategy which will be overseen and implemented by the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board (Appendix 1).


The Cabinet considered a report that sought approval of the Early Help Partnership Strategy.


It was recognised that Slough needed to improve its approach to early help support through proactive, preventative partnership working.  Improved early help support would reduce the requirement for more costly specialist services over time and enable communities to be build resilience.  The strategy had been co-produced with partners and aimed to deliver a cohesive approach to early intervention and prevention for children, young people and families in Slough.  The plan had been accepted by the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board and presented to the Slough Wellbeing Board.  The strategy addressed some of the recommendations in the People Scrutiny Panel report on Slough Children First’s business plan, particularly its workforce strategy, including the need to develop a shared language and performance metrics across the wider ‘children’s workforce’. 


Councillors Qaseem and Hulme were invited to address the Cabinet and they asked whether the service had adequately trained teams in place to deliver the service and how it would become more accessible to those that already struggled to engage with Council services.  The Executive Director, People (Children) confirmed that all staff in the service had their training and development needs assessed through the 1-1 and appraisal processes.  In relation to engagement, the Lead Member for children’s services explained a range of steps that would be taken including a communications plan, events, updated Family Information Service directory, working with the community and voluntary sector and through the new family hub model.


Members of Cabinet welcomed the strategy and commented on the importance of performance monitoring and alignment to the Council’s emerging Corporate Plan which was expected to include a focus on children’s health.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Cabinet approved the strategy.


Resolved –  That the adoption and implementation of the Early Help Partnership Strategy which would be overseen and implemented by the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board (Appendix 1 to the report) be approved.

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