Agenda item

To consider Motions submitted under procedure Rule 14.


It was moved by Councillor Brooker,

Seconded by Councillor Swindlehurst,


“Anti-socialbehaviour isa scourgeon toomany residents'lives acrossthe country and inparts ofour town.Anti-social behaviourand environmentalcrime have negative impactson anarea andon perceptionsabout thesafety ofresidential communities-this Councilthereforereaffirmsits commitmentto workingwith local residents andpartner organisationsto helpensure Slough'sneighbourhoods are strong, healthyand attractive placesto live.


Aspart ofits widerrecovery workand communityengagement, SloughBorough Council thereforeresolvesto:


·  Workwith and supportvictims ofanti-social behaviour andenvironmental crime


·  Strengthenpartnerships between thepolice, thecouncil andresidents' groups andinvolve localpeople indesigning solutionsfor theirarea


·  Workto respondbetter andmore quicklyto anti-socialbehaviour complaints


·  Workto keeppublic spacesclean andlitter free, andto carryout core

maintenance andrepairs whenrequired


·  Actpromptlytoclear dumped rubbishfrom publicspace andlocal parks


·  Workwith Neighbourhood Watch togrow thenumber ofactive local

Neighbourhood Watch groups acrossthe borough;and withresidents and the policeto establishNeighbourhoodActionGroups fora joined-up approach intackling ASBand localenvironmentalproblemswhere they impact ourcommunities.”


The motion was put to the vote and carried with 30 votes for and 2 abstentions.


Resolved  -


Anti-socialbehaviour isa scourgeon toomany residents'lives acrossthe country and inparts ofour town.Anti-social behaviourand environmentalcrime have negative impactson anarea andon perceptionsabout thesafety ofresidential communities-this Councilthereforereaffirmsits commitmentto workingwith local residents andpartner organisationsto helpensure Slough'sneighbourhoods are strong, healthyand attractive placesto live.


Aspart ofits widerrecovery workand communityengagement, SloughBorough Council thereforeresolvesto:


·  Workwith and supportvictims ofanti-social behaviour andenvironmental crime


·  Strengthenpartnerships between thepolice, thecouncil andresidents' groups andinvolve localpeople indesigning solutionsfor theirarea


·  Workto respondbetter andmore quicklyto anti-socialbehaviour complaints


·  Workto keeppublic spacesclean andlitter free, andto carryout core

maintenance andrepairs whenrequired


·  Actpromptlytoclear dumped rubbishfrom publicspace andlocal parks


·  Workwith Neighbourhood Watch togrow thenumber ofactive local


·  Neighbourhood Watch groups acrossthe borough;and withresidents and the policeto establishNeighbourhoodActionGroups fora joined-up approach intackling ASBand localenvironmentalproblemswhere they impact ourcommunities.


Supporting documents: