Agenda item

Finance Update


The Professional Advisor reported that some of the additional funding that was allocated had been used towards support additional RE Teachers Network meetings.

The SACRE was reminded that all allocated funding must be used by 31 March 2023 as any surplus money remaining could not be transferred to the next financial year.

In order to avoid loss of funding, Members discussed that the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education be asked to submit an  invoice  for the £900 contribution towards the Pan-Berkshire Hub in advance for the forthcoming year.

It was confirmed that SACRE would provide funding for two people to attend the NASACRE conference in May 2023. A  proposal was made for an RE teachers’ conference to be arranged , with costs being shared between  the SACRFE and the Pan-Berkshire Hub.

The proposal was proposed, seconded by Andrea Sparrow and Christine Isles and agreed for an RE Teachers’ conference to be arranged with the cost of the conference being shared with the Pan-Berkshire Hub.

Resolved – That an RE Teachers conference be arranged be arranged and the cost of the conference being  shared with the Pan-Berkshire Hub.