Agenda item

Resilience contract for Revenues and Benefits work


(a)  Authorised commencement of procurement for the provision of off-site processing resources through the Framework Contract held by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets;


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Finance and Commercial following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Procurement & Performance to award a contract.


The Lead Member for Customer Services, Procurement & Performance introduced a report that sought approval for a contract to provide off-site temporary resources to process revenues and benefits work through a Framework Contract held by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.


The contract would deliver a saving of £0.890m to August 2025 in comparison to the current costs of using interim support which was £0.369m in 2023/24.  The estimated contract value between 1st April 2023 to 28th August 2025 was £1.345m.  It was noted that the contract was not with LB Tower Hamlets, merely that it was procured through a Framework Contract that they held.


The Cabinet asked about the performance management arrangements and in response the Executive Director Finance & Commercial stated that the contract enabled the revenues and benefits service to draw down staff where required, on a better value contract than the one currently in place, and that the support was needed whilst the restructure of the revenues and benefits services was implemented over the next year.

The recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  Authorised commencement of procurement for the provision of off-site processing resources through the Framework Contract held by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets;


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Finance and Commercial following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Procurement & Performance to award a contract.

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