Agenda item

Update on Procurement & Contract Management


(a)  That the key development activities undertaken by the Commercial team since its establishment to improve procurement and contract management at the council be noted.


(b)  Noted that savings and best value were being driven through detailed review of the council’s contracts register.


(c)  Noted the further key development activities that would be undertaken by the establishment of an embedded commercial function, to improve the function and deliver the procurement and contract management strategy.


The Lead Member for Customer Services, Procurement & Performance updated the Cabinet on improvements to procurement and contract management since the establishment of the commercial team in 2021.  The report also updated on the implementation of the Directions issued by the Secretary of State in relation to the procurement and contract management function.


The improvements made since 2021 included a review of the contract procedure rules which had been changed to improve decision making at the appropriate levels; strengthened governance arrangements and training for officers; and more robust processes in the letting of new contracts to ensure it delivered best value.  A new centralised contract register had been developed which put the Council in a much stronger position to effectively manage, plan and procure contracts.  Progress had been made to put in place a permanent in house team to enable the Council to move away from the expensive consultancy support that had been provided on a temporary basis since 2019.  The Cabinet noted that as a result of the reviews of all contracts, savings of £1.8m had been identified.


Lead Members welcomed progress that had been made and the Commissioners comments that in the future they would like to see regular management information on procurement and contract management activities to ensure the highest standards were being met.  The Executive Director of Finance & Commercial stated that the future development activities were set out in paragraph 2.11 of the report and this included ensuring key performance indicators were meaningful and monitored effectively with a target date for implementation of January 2023.


The recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the key development activities undertaken by the Commercial team since its establishment to improve procurement and contract management at the council be noted.


(b)  Noted that savings and best value were being driven through detailed review of the council’s contracts register.


(c)  Noted the further key development activities that would be undertaken by the establishment of an embedded commercial function, to improve the function and deliver the procurement and contract management strategy.

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