Agenda item

Procurement of services with the voluntary sector for prevention and carer support


1.  That the extension of the contract with Slough Council for Voluntary Services for prevention and carer voluntary services to the value of £473,254 for a period of 12 months from 1 July 2021 be approved.


2.  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for People (Adults), following consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to commence procurement for the prevention and carer voluntary services.


3.  That a report on progress of the contract and procurement process for the new prevention and carer voluntary services be provided to scrutiny and then to Cabinet by the Spring of 2022.


The Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health and the Group Manager, People Strategy introduced a report that retrospectively asked the Cabinet to agree an extension of the contract with Slough Council for Voluntary Services for prevention and carer voluntary services to the value of £473,254 for a period of 12 months from 1 July 2021.  Approval was also sought to delegate authority to the Executive Director for People (Adults) to commence the procurement of a contract for such services for 2+1 years beyond June 2022 and then bring back a report to Cabinet to determine the award of contract.


It was recognised that this was second contract discussed that had expired and was seeking to be regularised.  The Cabinet and the Lead Commissioner reiterated the comments made during consideration of the previous item that the process was unacceptable and the procedural defects needed to be addressed across the Council in its contracting and procurement processes.


The purpose of the contract was explained and the Cabinet agreed that support for such preventative services was valuable and should continue.  It was therefore agreed that the first recommendation relating to the extension of the contract for 12 months from 1st July 2021 be approved.  In terms of the procurement after June 2022, it was agreed that in addition to receiving a report in future to award a further contract, Cabinet and People Scrutiny Panel would receive an additional report in the Spring 2022 at a much earlier stage of the procurement process, to approve the model and deliverables, including any implications arising from the integration of health and social care services through the Integrated Care System.  Lead Members requested that this report also include an update on the current contract including key performance indicators.


Resolved –


(a)  That the extension of the contract with Slough Council for Voluntary Services for prevention and carer voluntary services to the value of £473,254 for a period of 12 months from 1 July 2021 be approved.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for People (Adults), following consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to commence procurement for the prevention and carer voluntary services.


(c)  That a report on progress of the contract and procurement process for the new prevention and carer voluntary services be provided to scrutiny and then to Cabinet by the Spring of 2022.

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