Agenda item

Planning Applications


The Amendment Sheet, which included details of alternations and amendments received since the agenda was circulated had been sent to Committee Members and published on the Council website.  Members of the Committee confirmed that they had received and read it.


Oral representations were made to the Committee under the Public Participations Scheme prior to the applications being considered by the Committee as follows:-


Application P/16337/007 - 9, Mina Avenue, Slough: an objector, the applicant and Councillors Brooker and Sharif addressed the Committee.  With the permission of the applicant, some of their allocated time was provided to read out a written statement in support of the application from a resident.


Application P/04290/008 - Automotive House, Grays Place, Slough:  the agent addressed the Committee.


Application P/08557/005 - 1 Stoke Road, Slough: the agent, Ward Member Councillor Akram (Elliman) and Councillors Sharif, Sabah and Atiq Sandhu addressed the Committee.


(Having both declared interests, Councillors Minhas and Ajaib left the meeting)