Agenda item

SEND update


Johnny Kyriacou explained that following recent changes, SEND was to be led by himself, with Chelsea Barnes overseeing Inclusion. In order to reassure Schools Forum it was noted that work had already commenced on developing long-term plans for the Service and to back up this work consultancy support had been bought in. A selection of schools would be contacted directly for input to the plans. It was noted that Johnny Kyriacou had met with specialist schools to share the Project Plan.


HNB centrally retained funding was now being closely reviewed and a more detailed update would be given at the next Schools Forum meeting. The realigning of the funding was being considered; this work was complex but ongoing.


An interim SEND Commissioner, Claire Goss, had been appointed. Another advertisement had been released in order to fill the long-term vacancy for a Finance Officer: it was hoped a positive update could be given at the next meeting.


Fair Access Funding was an area which had historically been funded from the HNB. It was now being queried whether it was appropriate to fund from that Block to the total of £170,000 as only a small number of children required support to fund a school place. It was therefore proposed this sum be reduced to £120,000 this year and, following discussions with Headteachers, the figure be reduced to zero. Further exploration was required to agree where the funding should come from, and more information would be made available at the next meeting.


Concerns were expressed about the possible impact on alternative provision due to the number of pupils admitted through Fair Access funding. It was felt £120,000 was a reasonable amount to support the Panel and discussion was required on where future funding should come from as there would also be an impact on secondary schools. The aim was to ensure the funding was in the right place and that it came from the correct place.


It was queried whether this work would consider the Fair Access Protocol in other Local Authorities, by reviewing other funding models. It was thought such information would inform discussions.  On behalf of primary schools, it was requested that the review include how nursery children were funded when transitioning into Reception classes due to a number of primary schools having EHCPs when there was no funding attached. Michael Jarrett explained the challenge was that inclusion funding was for low-level emerging need for a small amount of support, the best was done to support the two levels of funding. The Children & Families departmentworked closed with Finance colleagues for the benefit of the children and would be prepared to review suggestions.  Nurseries did not always consider EHCPs so there were unintended consequences.


Johnny Kyriacou added it was about realigning and ensuring the funding was allocated where it should be: there appeared to be a lack of preventative work in Slough and the whole system would be reviewed with inclusion a high priority in all the work to be done. If savings could be made, these could be used to fund inclusion support. 


It was agreed this issue and review should be discussed as soon as possible.


9.50pm: Jon Reekie left the meeting