Agenda item

Annual Scrutiny Report 2020/21


The Strategy & Policy Lead introduced a report on the draft Annual Scrutiny Report 2020/21.


The Annual Report was presented in a new format based on feedback on previous years reports and it focused on highlighting areas where scrutiny had been able to add value.  The Committee agreed that the draft summarised the work that Overview & Scrutiny and scrutiny panels had done throughout the year including various task and finish groups that had presented detailed recommendations to Cabinet.


It was noted that the Joint Cabinet Scrutiny Working Group had also developed proposals to restructure the scrutiny panels next year and introduce a number of improvements to strengthen scrutiny.  Members commented that the respective workloads of the panels had not been well balanced in the past year and that in future it was suggested each panel have at least one task and group during the course of the year.  It was noted the restructure of the panels had been designed to improve the balance of the workload of the panels and reflect the new directorate structure of the Council following the Our Futures Transformation Programme.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Annual Report was endorsed and it was agreed it would be recommended to Council.


Resolved –  That the Annual Scrutiny Report be endorsed and presented to Council.

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