Agenda item

Annual Petitions Report 2020/21


The Senior Democratic Services Officer introduced a report that provided the Committee with an details of number of petitions received throughout the year and the Council’s responses to them.


A similar number of petitions had been received in 2020/21 compared to the previous year, with an increase in the proportion of e-petitions reflecting the fact that collected signatures on paper petitions had been more difficult during period of ‘lockdown’ through the Covid-19 pandemic.  One petition had triggered a debate at full Council.


Members commented on a number of aspects of the report including the apparent similarity of Council responses to petitions on parking matters which was a service in receipt of a high number of petitions.  Members highlighted the importance of ensuring that the concerns being raised by residents in such petitions was being carefully considered by officers and that responses should reflect the individual circumstances rather than be generic responses.  It was suggested that given the high number of petition on parking matters that the relevant scrutiny panel may wish to consider parking schemes and restrictions in developing its work programme for next year.


At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Annual Petitions Report 2020/21 be noted.

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