Agenda item

Update from Task Groups: Early Years, HNB and 5-16


The Chair welcomed Michael Jarrett who explained there was positive news to report concerning the Early Years  Funding Formula and increases for 2-year old provision and 3 and  4 year old entitlement across universal and extended services at £0.06p.  The Early Years Task Group had met to consider four options which had been reduced to two. The two options had been put to the sector and approximately 60 responses had been received from providers, more than the previous year.


Option 1 was the option favoured for 3 and 4 year old funding, including the same amounts for deprivation at £0.72p and Early Years Pupil Premium at £0.53p. The SEN inclusion grant had been reduced from £50,000 to £40,000.  The budget balanced, and available grants had been maximised: it was noted that in this area Slough was the highest funded LA in the South East and providers were receiving the best funding. It was hoped this would support the sustainability of the sector as a number of providers had expressed concerns. Michael Jarrett confirmed he maintained regular contact with the DfE who were yet to confirm a number of outstanding issues.


Schools Forum NOTED the conclusions in the report and AGREED the recommendation of Task Group for the introduction of Option 1. Michael Jarrett would advise providers accordingly, and Option 1 would come into effect from Thursday 1 April 2021.


On a further issue, Michael Jarrett confirmed he was meeting with, and working with local nurseries regarding the uncertainty attached to Maintained Nursery Schools (MNS) supplements. Funding was in place until the end of September 2021 but no commitment had been made about the period 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022.  This was a national issue for the sector and Michael Jarrett explained he was in regular contact with the DfE raising local concerns.  However, the financial pressures could lead to a need to consider options and the future of MNS and EYS in order to balance budgets.  The LA was aware, as were Schools Forum.


Phil Gregory, nursery headteacher representative was invited to comment and he thanked Michael Jarrett for his support. It was confirmed this was a serious issue for the sector, making it difficult to plan ahead and causing a great deal of anxiety.

It was noted that Schools Forum had written previously to the DfE on this issue, and it was agreed the support of Schools Forum would again be appreciated. The Chair agreed to draft a letter of concern to the DfE, on behalf of Schools Forum, in consultation with Michael Jarrett and Phil Gregory.


Members felt the continuing uncertainty of this issue and the use of repeated short-term arrangements was unsatisfactory. It was confirmed that LA Members were aware of the financial pressures and local officers would continue to raise it with them.


On behalf of Penn Wood Michael Jarrett was thanked for his support.  The attention of Schools Forum was drawn to the fact that schools with nursery classes were also experiencing funding issues: due to a drop in numbers during the lockdowns, numbers had dropped. Numbers were now rising with no funding available. Michael Jarrett acknowledged this was due to funding ‘following the child’ but it was hoped government would make an adjustment to support the stability of increased numbers. However, such confirmation was yet to be received.


There had been no meetings of the HNB or 5-16 Task Groups.


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