Agenda item

DSG Management Plan update


It was agreed that agenda item number 9 would also be taken under this item.


Mark McCurrie explained that the DSG Management Plan (the Plan) was being formulated for the end of year in order that the Plan contained 2020/21 figures to support the roll forward forecast figures for future years.  The EHCP figures had been based on the previous SEND2 return.


A significant number of areas within the Plan were under review and being closely scrutinised by the LA. Johnny Kyriacou had updated a number of Forum meetings on the progress of the Plan.


It was explained that the funding mechanism for special schools and the SEND banding matrix required further review as there were still some discrepancies between scores agreed by panels and those expected by schools. The banding matrix remained under consideration to ensure it was fit for purpose. Review of the matrix would incorporate alternative provision and also linked to the Resource Base review work.


There was also a great deal of work underway on therapy services which would impact on the centrally retained budget.


The Plan had to be presented to Schools Forum for scrutiny at least once a term and, to meet this requirement, it would be an agenda item in the summer term: it was felt the earlier meeting scheduled for May would still be useful although  if the Plan were made available in July it would be more up to date.  It was agreed to include the Plan on the agenda for both meetings.


It was noted this would be Mark McCurrie’s last meeting and that changes of personnel within the LA’s SEN department were ongoing.


On behalf of Schools Forum the Chair thanked Mark McCurrie for all his work over the past months, adding that members were aware that a great deal of work had been put into developing the Plan.


Schools Forum wished to share that there were some concerns about who would lead on updating the Plan in future. It was explained that Johnny Kyriacou would be taking ownership of the service, bringing SEN and Inclusion into the service and that Johnny Kyriacou was dedicated to moving the service forward on behalf of the LA and children in Slough.