Agenda item

SEND Quarterly update


This item had been covered under the previous item.


A member explained they were aware of an error made by the LA on the place top-up funding received by schools with attached resource bases: the top up received was £10,000 rather than £6,000 and it was requested that schools concerned should be made aware of this as soon as possible. On behalf of the LA it was acknowledged this affected academy schools and linked to ‘‘filled and ‘unfilled’ places on the LA’s return.  Communication had been made with the ESFA, who had advised an adjustment to the top up regarding the £4,000 variation. The ESFA’s response would be reviewed to establish how this would be managed and all schools concerned would be advised.


9.30am: Michael Jarrett was admitted to the meeting


The member concerned explained they had contacted the ESFA and understood the LA had to amend the error and revised budget shares would be issued.  It was noted the LA had put this to the ESFA as a suggestion as it would be a preferred option to manage the situation.


It was agreed a workable solution was required and it was requested that an update be given to Schools Forum at their next meeting.