Agenda item

Proposed Scrutiny Panel Structure


The Policy Insight Manager introduced a report that sought the Committee’s formal endorsement for the proposed new scrutiny panel structure.


The proposed changes sought to improve the alignment to the new directorate structure and to Cabinet portfolios; balance the relative workloads of the panels; reduce duplication of some policy areas; and clarify the most appropriate group to take forward work on key priority areas such as employment and skills.


The appendix to the report set out the proposed structure.  The Overview & Scrutiny Committee would lead on overarching strategies and oversee the work of three scrutiny panels:


·  People Scrutiny Panel, which combined children and adult services;

·  Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel; and

·  Place Scrutiny Panel.


The proposal had been developed by the Joint Cabinet Scrutiny Working Group and would be considered by the Member Panel on the Constitution which would decide whether to recommend the changes to Council.  Members were supportive of the new structure and agreed that it be endorsed.  Members sought assurance that the new structure would have adequate resources to support scrutiny following the staffing restructure.  The Policy Insight Manager responded that responsibility for scrutiny would be moving to democratic services and that there was a high level corporate commitment to ensure the scrutiny process was well supported and effective.  Members asked that future reports set out more specifically the resources that would be available to the scrutiny function to carry out its roles.


Recommended –  That the proposed amendments of the Constitution at Article 6 and Part 4.5 to reflect the new structure of scrutiny panels be endorsed.

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