Agenda item

Slough 2040 Vision


The Policy Insight Manager gave a presentation to the Committee on the development of the 2040 Vision for Slough.


The context to the Vision was explained.  The Five Year Plan set out the medium term strategic priorities for the Council, however, it had been decided that there would be benefits in producing a longer term, strategic vision for the town.  There had been extensive engagement over the past year with strategic and voluntary partners to develop an ambition shared vision for the next twenty years – ‘Slough 2040’.  A project team had been put in place and they had worked with residents, elected Members, businesses and partners to develop a picture of what stakeholders wanted Slough to be like in 20 years.


The feedback was subsequently analysed, and the leaders’ group had agreed the following vision statement:


“Slough will be a vibrant, thriving and innovative town, where people are supported to live happy and fulfilled lives. People will feel safe and valued in their local communities, and proud to call Slough home.”


This vision statement was underpinned by eight priority areas, which would be the focus for delivery:


·  “Slough will have a vibrant town centre, brimming with diverse and exciting culture.

·  Slough will have attractive, green neighbourhoods, which bring people together.

·  Slough will be a globally connected town, with a transport system which prioritises public and active transport.

·  Slough will be a carbon-neutral and sustainable town.

·  Slough will have a strong, globally renowned economy, which supports its people to prosper and live well.

·  Slough will be a place of lifelong learning and aspiration for all.

·  Slough will be a healthy town, where people are supported to live empowered lives.

·  Slough will have a strong, diverse community where differences are celebrated, and everyone feels safe.”


Partners had been asked to agree the vision and the Cabinet had endorsed it on behalf of SBC on 22nd February 2021.  Members discussed the next steps to make such a high level vision meaningful for the town and for residents.  It was responded that there would be a series of public events when possible.  It was not proposed that the vision would be regularly revised as it was designed to be the high level approach to which other plans and strategies would align, including the Five Year Plan.  The approach to delivery would be regularly reviewed in the plans that sat below the vision and the establishment of the leaders’ group was a positive step in bringing partners together.  The aim was to set out the longer term aspirations and tell the story of Slough.


The Committee discussed the importance of resident engagement and asked how this had been down during Covid-19 restrictions.  Attempts had been made to engage a wide range of people and organisations and this process would continue over time.


At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Cabinet’s endorsement of the Slough 2040 Vision be noted.


(b)  That future scrutiny of relevant aspects and priorities of the 2040 vision be considered in setting the work programmes for the Committee and its scrutiny panels in 2021/22.

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