Agenda item

Terms of Reference for Employment, Skills and COVID-19 Task and Finish Group


Councillors Ajaib and Qaseem declared an interest in item 7 as they were on the Covid- 19 Task and Finish Group. Councillors Ajaib and Qaseem remained in the meeting and participated in the item.


The Insight Analyst introduced the report which outlined the purpose of the Task and Finish group, set up to establish how Covid-19 had impacted on the skills and employment of residents in Slough. Membership of the joint working group consisted of 5 members from the various Scrutiny Panels in the Council.


The Task and Finish Group would essentially focus on identifying the current challenges to skills and employment in Slough due to the pandemic, particularly in relation to Heathrow Airport. It would investigate how to encourage residents to upskill by looking at the gaps that existed prior to and during the pandemic.


Members were reassured that all areas, including deprived areas would be incorporated in the indicators gathered which would provide an overview of data by ward, but the main focus would be on Slough in general. The information would be gathered by the localities group. It was confirmed that work had already begun but had to be rescheduled to October 2021 due to Covid-19 restriction and the Council restructure programme.



i)  That the Employment, Skills and Covid-19, Task and Finish Group Terms of Reference be noted.

ii)  Requested the Insight Officer to bring the need to produce data by ward, to the attention of the Employment, Skills and Covid-19, Task and Finish Group.

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