Agenda item

Capital Programme 2021/22 and Strategy 2021-2025


The Leader of the Council and Executive Director Corporate Services had summarised the key aspects of the capital programme and strategy as part of the previous item on the Medium Term Financial Strategy given the budget documents were intrinsically related.


The Committee had already discussed a number of aspects of the capital strategy and the Chair invited Members to raise any further issues specifically on the capital programme.  A question was asked about Section 106 receipts as per Table 1.2 of the report.  The Table showed a sum of £10.5m as the current balance and assurance was sought that Section 106 would be fully utilised.  The Executive Director confirmed that £10m of the £10.5m available had been committed to various projects such as highways, education and public realm.  The Committee was assured that the Council sought to maximise all Section 106 funding.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee noted the capital budget reports that would go to Cabinet and Council, and decided not to recommend any specific amendments or further recommendations.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Capital Programme 2021/22 and Strategy be noted.


(b)  That it be noted that the capital programme and strategy would be considered by the Cabinet on 22nd February 2021 and Council on 8th March 2021.


(c)  That no amendments or further recommendations be made to Cabinet.

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