Agenda and minutes

Berkshire Local Transport Body - Thursday, 17th March, 2016 4.00 pm

Venue: Flexi Hall, The Centre, Farnham Road, Slough, SL1 4UT. View directions

Contact: Nicholas Pontone  01753 875120

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


In relation to minute 22/agenda item 5: ‘Response to Hendy Report recommendations’, Councillor Rayner declared an interest insofar as he was a trustee with a land interest on the proposed route of Western Rail Access to Heathrow (WRAtH).  He did not take part in the discussion on this matter.


Minutes of the meeting held on 19th November 2015 pdf icon PDF 109 KB


Resolved –  That the minutes of the Berkshire Local Transport Body (BLTB) held on 19th November 2015 be approved as a correct record.


Membership Update pdf icon PDF 47 KB


A report was received updating the Board on a change to the representation of Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and to elect a Deputy Chair of Berkshire Local Transport Body (BLTB) for the remainder of the 2015/16 municipal year.


A vacancy had arisen at the end of Steve Capel-Davies’ second and final term of office and following a recruitment process the LEP Forum agreed on 20th November 2015 to nominate Ingrid Fernandes, Strategic Development Director at LEGOLAND Windsor Resort as a member of the Berkshire Strategic Transport (Members) Forum and the BLTB.  Members welcomed Ms Fernandes to the Board.


Nominations were invited for the position of Deputy Chair of the BLTB for the remainder of 2015/16.  Paragraph 3 of the BLTB Founding Document stated that the Deputy Chair should be appointed from one of the LEP members and Charles Eales was proposed and seconded.  There being no other nominations, it was unanimously agreed that Charles Eales be elected as Deputy Chair.


Resolved –


(a)  That the appointment of Ingrid Fernandes, Strategic Development Director at LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, be noted and that she be welcomed to the Board as a representative of Thames Valley Berkshire LEP.


(b)  That Charles Eales be elected as Deputy Chair of the BLTB for the remainder of the 2015/16 municipal year.


Financial Approval 2.22 Slough: Burnham Station Improvements pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


A report was considered seeking financial approval for scheme 2.22 Slough: Burnham Station Improvements.  It was clarified that the scheme had the full support of the Independent Assessor for full financial approval and that paragraph 4 of the recommendation was incorrectly included in the report and should be deleted as all conditions had now been met.


The proposal was to improve station facilities at Burnham and enhance access to the station from the western part of Slough, including the Slough Trading Estate, through highways improvements and traffic management.  The scheme was designed to increase the capacity of the station ahead of the introduction of Crossrail services as well as facilitate development in the immediate environment of the station.


After due consideration, it was agreed to give the scheme full financial approval.


Resolved –  That scheme 2.22 Slough: Burnham Station Improvements be given full financial approval in the sum of £2,000,000 in 2016/17 on terms of the funding agreement set out at paragraph 14 step 5 of the report.


DfT Consultation of the Hendy Report Recommendations pdf icon PDF 290 KB


The Board considered the draft response to the Department for Transport consultation on the Hendy Report recommendations for the future of Network Rail’s Investment Programme.


The consultation would close on 18th March 2016 and the draft responses were set out at Appendix 1 to the report on Western Rail Link to Heathrow (WRLtH) and Appendix 2 addressing other schemes.  The main implications for the Thames Valley Berkshire area were the re-programming of the WRLtH scheme and the delay to Southcote Junction to Basingstoke electrification, which had consequences for the operation of the proposed Reading Green Park Station.


(Councillor Harrison joined the meeting)


The BLTB agreed that the responses provided a good summary of their views on the consultation questions and approved both submissions, subject to an amendment to Appendix 1 to highlight the projected benefits of a model shift of 20% from road to rail from the WRAtH scheme.  It was noted that a number of authorities and organisations would also be making individual representations which supported many of the key points made in the collective response.  Ruth Bagley updated the Board on Network Rail’s public consultation on the WRLtH scheme which would close on 4th April.


Members also commented on the Shaw report on the longer term future shape and financing of Network Rail and Dame Colette Bowe’s review of the planning of Network Rail’s enhancements programme for Control Period 5, from 2014 to 2019.  Given the importance of these reviews on the strategic transport infrastructure of the Thames Valley it was agreed to receive a report on the likely implications at a future meeting.


Resolved –


(a)  That the responses to the consultation on the re-planning of Network Rail’s Investment be approved as set out in Appendix 1 (Western Rail Link to Heathrow) and Appendix 2 (other schemes) to the report, subject to the inclusion of a textual amendment agreed at the meeting to Appendix 1.


(b)  That the Board receive a report to a future meeting on the Shaw report and Bowe review of Network Rail’s shape, financing and programmes.


Thames Valley Berkshire Local Growth Deal 2015/16 to 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


The BLTB considered a progress report on the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Growth Deal and in particular the schemes included in the transport packages of the Strategic Economic Plan.  The overall programme was on target with payments in hand for all schemes undertaken in 2015/16.  A total of £14.7m would be invested in 2015/16 and it was anticipated the year would be completed on profile.  A further £17m was due to be invested in 2016/17.  The updates detailed fully in Appendix 1 to the report were noted and each scheme was reviewed individually.


2.01 Newbury:  Kings Road Link Road – update noted.  The scheme was on track with construction due to start in May 2016.


2.02 Bracknell:  Warfield Link Road – update noted.  Construction began in February 2015 and was on programme.


2.03 Newbury:  London Road Industrial Estate – update noted.


2.04.2 Wokingham:  North Wokingham Distributor Road, 2.04.3 Wokingham: South Wokingham Distributor Road and 2.04.4: Wokingham:  Arborfield Relief Road – update noted.  The three schemes were progressing together through the relevant DfT processes and was on track for the revised March 2016 timetable set out in section 5 of the update report.


2.05 Newbury: Sandleford Park – update noted.  Discussions between the developer and council were ongoing with the earliest spend scheduled in 2018/19.


2.06 Reading: Green Park Railway Station – the scheme was in the detailed planning stage and there had been some changes to specification required to meet Network Rail requirements.  The station had been re-categorised from ‘F’ to ‘C’ which required enhanced passenger facilities.  Costings were being reviewed and it was likely they would rise, with a report to BLTB in July 2016 to consider any additional funding from unallocated sums.  The business case and value for money assessment would be rechecked.


2.07 Bracknell: Coral Reef Roundabout – update noted.  BLTB welcomed the fact that the scheme was due to be the first in the programme to be completed and had been delivered ahead of schedule.


2.08 Slough: Rapid Transit Phase 1 – update noted.  Preliminary works were taking place on site.


2.09.1 Sustainable Transport NCN 44 – update noted.  RBWM had held discussions with the Crown Estate to finalise the route through Windsor Great Park.


2.09.2 Sustainable Transport A4 Cycle Route with Bucks – update noted.  Detailed planning was taking place following BLTB funding approval being given in November 2015.


2.10 Slough: A332 Improvements – update noted.


2.11 and 2.12 Reading:  South Reading MRT phases 1 and 2 – update noted.


2.13 Wokingham: Thames Valley Park & Ride (previously Reading: Eastern Park and Ride) – update noted.  The planning application was anticipated to the submitted in April or May 2016.


2.14 Reading: East Reading MRT – update noted.  The data for the Reading Transport Model had been updated and work on the business case was being progressed with financial approval being provisionally added to the BLTB work programme for November 2016.


2.15 Bracknell: Martins Heron Roundabout – update noted.  Preparatory work was underway with a view to seeking financial approval from the LTB in November 2016.


2.16 Maidenhead: Station Access – update noted.  Active discussions were underway with partners and the multiple rail interests involved as the scheme approached the detailed design phase.


2.17 Slough: A355 Route – update noted.  The scheme was on site and on track.


2.19 Bracknell:  Town Centre Regeneration Infrastructure Improvements – the drawdown of BLTB funding was complete.


2.21 Slough: Langley Station Access Improvements – update noted. 


2.22 Slough: Burnham Station Access Improvements – as discussed earlier.


Resolved –  That the progress of the schemes given programme entry status, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.


BLTB Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 67 KB


The forward plan was considered setting out the pipeline of scheme anticipated to come through to the LTB in 2016/17.


Resolved –  That the BLTB Forward Plan 2016/17 be noted.


Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 21st July 2016 at 4.00pm in Slough (venue tbc)


Resolved –  That the next meeting of the BLTB be held on Thursday 21st July 2016 at 4.00pm in Slough.