Venue: Council Chamber - Observatory House, 25 Windsor Road, SL1 2EL
Contact: Manize Talukdar 07871 982 919
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary or other Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to the circumstances described in Section 9 and Appendix B of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed. Minutes: No declarations were made. |
Minutes of the last meeting held on 18 January 2023 PDF 80 KB Minutes: Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Briefing: Children's Services Additional documents: Minutes: The SBC Director of People, Children, in her capacity as Chair of the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board, provided a brief update on Priority One: Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2026.
The Chair stated it was important to ensure that children and young people were prioritised as a partnership, emphasised the importance of joined up provision and deliverable action plans and clearly messaging this to the community.
Following a question, the SBC Director advised that next steps and actions included the following:
· that each of the four ambitions set out in the report should have a designated leader, who would be responsible for bringing together different work strands and reporting back to the Partnership Board · set up performance indicators, clarify how success would be measured and reported · clarify accountabilities
The Chair stated that it would be more appropriate for the Board to take a strategic lead rather than get involved in day to day operational matters. She stated that at a recent informal Board meeting regarding the four priority areas, participants had reflected that some of the action points were not achievable for the Board and that therefore it would be more effective to focus on fewer, deliverable actions. For example, tackling children’s obesity. Each area would have an action plan and a designated person to ensure its delivery. There was also a need for public awareness campaigns regarding these issues. This should be further discussed at a future meeting of the Wellbeing Board.
The Deputy Director of Public health added that it would be important to clarify what each of the priorities should encompass so that all parties were clear about the meaning and context of each priority.
Resolved – That the update be noted
Slough Early Help Strategy PDF 89 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The SBC Operational Manager Early Help Hub & Family Services gave a summary of the report, Slough Early Help Strategy.
The SBC Operational Manager advised that it was intended that the strategy be implemented and used. Lead professionals both at the Council and at partner agencies would be identified with training and support offered to them. It would be developed to ensure a multi-agency approach, rather than rely exclusively on a single member of staff.
Following a question, she advised that this was the broader strategy and the action plan for implementation would be informed by feedback from community and partners, an assessment of networks available and ensuring that work was not duplicated.
It was agreed that In terms of governance, implementation of the strategy would be reported back to the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board. A launch would be planned and reported back to the Board as part of the next Starting Well priority update report.
Resolved – That the strategy be approved. |
Verbal Update - ICS and Place Minutes: The Interim Slough Place Locality Director provided the following verbal update regarding the ICS and Place:
She concluded by asking Board members to promote the above initiatives in the community. Action1: The Chair asked for the revised ICS strategy to be circulated to the Board. She stated that in her view, some of the ICS priority areas were overly focussed on disease and she would like to see greater emphasis on prevention. There had been a series of health assemblies where attendees had included the chairs of each of the local wellbeing Boards and that the new chair the Slough Board should be invited to attend future assembly meetings. Action 2: She concluded by saying that she, the chief executive of SBC, the strategic partnership lead and other council officers had visited local partners, including places of worship and various community groups which worked on health outcomes and supporting families and children in Slough. The visit had been extremely fruitful in enhancing relationships with local groups and a learning experience for SBC staff. Resolved – That the verbal update be noted.
National & Local Policy Minutes: Resolved – That this item be deferred to the next meeting. |
Terms of Reference for the Slough Wellbeing Board PDF 70 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair advised that the East Berkshire CCG and Frimley CCG had been superseded by the Frimley ICB/ICS and the Board’s membership was being updated in light of this change.
Resolved – That the revised Terms of Reference be agreed. |
Vote of Thanks Minutes: The Chair thanked Board Members and officers for their hard work and contributions to the work of the Board.
The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, Lifelong Learning & Skills thanked the Chair, who would be stepping down as a Councillor. She thanked her for her contribution to the Board and at the Council |
Date of Next Meeting To be confirmed. Minutes: 30 May 2023. |