Issue - meetings

Update Report - One Year Evaluation Submissions Status

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Berkshire Local Transport Body (Item 8)

8 Final update on One Year Scheme Evaluations pdf icon PDF 77 KB


Members received an update to previous reports given at the November 2020 and March 2021 meetings regarding the One Year Scheme Evaluations that were due.


It was a requirement under section 19 of the agreed BLTB Assurance Framework process that:  “The scheme promoter will publish one- and five- year impact reports post scheme opening. These reports will be reviewed by the independent assessor and reported to the BLTB.”


The continuing impact of Covid-19 had meant that the gathering appropriate and robust data for scheme assessments and evaluations had proved difficult.  However, with the expectation of a continued gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions, it was anticipated that the ability for scheme promoters to gather appropriate data for scheme assessments and evaluations would now improve.  


In total, six schemes were now due for evaluation:


·  Scheme 2.04 – Wokingham: Arborfield Relief Road

·  Scheme 2.09.1 - Sustainable Transport NCN 422

·  Scheme 2.21 – Slough: Langley Station Access

·  Scheme 2.10 - Slough: A322 Improvements

·  Scheme 2.11 and 2.12 - Reading: Phase 1 & 2 South Reading MRT*

·  Scheme 2.15 - Bracknell: Martin’s Heron roundabout


Department for Transport data indicated that nationally motor vehicles usage for the end of June was at 98% of pre pandemic levels.  It was therefore anticipated that the evaluation reports due would be presented to BLTB at the meeting in November 2021.


Resolved –  That the update be noted and that reports from the scheme promoters would be produced at the November 2021 BLTB meeting.