Issue - meetings

Election of Vice-Chair for 2021/22

Meeting: 14/07/2022 - Berkshire Local Transport Body (Item 3)

Election of Vice-Chair for 2022/23

To elect the Vice-Chair of BLTB for 2022/23 from amongst the TVB LEP Members.


Nominations were invited for the Vice-Chair of BLTB for the forthcoming municipal year.  It was confirmed that the Founding Document of the BLTB required that the Vice-Chair be from the Local Enterprise Partnership members.


Laura Fitzgerald was proposed by Bob Mountain and seconded by Stuart Atkinson.


There being no other nominations, Laura Fitzgerald was elected as Vice-Chair for the next year.


Resolved –  That Laura Fitzgerald be elected as Vice-Chair of BLTB for the 2022/23 municipal year.

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Berkshire Local Transport Body (Item 3)

Election of Vice-Chair for 2021/22

To elect the Vice-Chair of BLTB for 2021/22 from amongst the TVB LEP Members.


Nominations were invited for the Vice-Chair of BLTB for the forthcoming municipal year.  It was confirmed that the Founding Document of the BLTB required that the Vice-Chair be from the Local Enterprise Partnership members.


Bob Mountain was proposed by Councillor Page and seconded by Simon Ratcliffe.


There being no other nominations, Bob Mountain was elected as Vice-Chair for the next year.


Resolved –  That Bob Mountain be elected as Vice-Chair of BLTB for the 2021/22 municipal year.