Decision details

Controlled Parking Zone - Salt Hill Way & White Close (Zone J)

Decision Maker: Executive Director - Regeneration, Housing and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Due to its close proximity of Salt Hill Way and White Close with the A4 Bath Road, this area attracts a high volume of visitors who seek to use the amenities on the main road and nearby transport links. This is also combined with the local businesses nearby, which attract staff and customers.

Currently Salt Hill Way has minimal parking controls which include existing no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction with Farnham Road and White Close and also some “No Waiting” restrictions. During peak periods, vehicles are parked without consideration to residents and passing traffic, causing road safety and access issues by limiting visibility, especially when navigating around the first island. Furthermore, parking is being abused to the extent that vehicles are parking opposite each other, creating a scenario where vehicles end up being double parked. This creates various safety issues when manoeuvring out onto the carriageway, but also to any passing pedestrians.

Following the introduction of the Experimental scheme delivered in August 2021, which expired in November 2022, the council undertook an informal consultation in February/March 2023 asking residents of Salt Hill Way and White Close their preferred days and hours of operation for a residents parking scheme to be proposed. Following the outcome of the informal consultation, the Council has undertaken a statutory consultation of Salt Hill Way and White Close for a permit parking zone with the operational hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Residents had the opportunity to respond with objections and recommendations between 12th July and 5th August 2023.


Financial Implications
The consultation and implementation of this proposal is estimated at £3,000. This can be funded from existing Parking Revenue Budgets.
1. The amendments will be made under Section 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and regulation 22 of the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996
2. The Council respond to the statutory consultees and residents that made who made formal representations to the proposals, informing them of the decisions made in the above text within 14 days of the making of this order.

(Note: This decision was originally published on 13th October 2023 and was republished on 1st December 2023 to correct an error in the hours of operation.)

Alternative options considered:

Consultation Responses

Salt Hill Way:

Resident Comment
One letter in support of the parking controls. However, the respondent suggested that the petition submitted, regarding this consultation, may have been signed under duress.

No officer response


A 76-signature petition was submitted by a resident of Salt Hill Way in favour of the proposal with the hours of operation Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.

No officer response.

White Close:

Resident Comment
Resident suggests there would be no issue for White Close if the Grove Academy had not been built. Also, residents were not given the opportunity to reject parking proposals.

Officer Response.
Residents were consulted in the first 6 month of the Experimental Traffic Order, (ETRO), coming into force from August 2021 to February 2022. This was an opportunity for residents to put their views forward. The ETRO expired in November 2022, at which point enforcement ceased. A further informal consultation in February/March 2023 on the hours of operation. The recent Statutory Consultation was undertaken in line with the information gathered from the informal consultation. The delivery of Controlled Parking Zones is now the Council’s new approach to tackling parking issues. On 17th February 2023 the Council’s Cabinet agreed the introduction of CPZ’s as our standard approach for the provision of parking restrictions in order to bring consistency in management of road space and enable priority for parking to be given to residents and businesses.

Scheme Proposal

The implementation of Controlled Parking Zone “J” in Salt Hill Way and White Close with the hours of operation of Monday to Friday 8am -5pm along with relevant waiting restrictions.

Publication date: 01/12/2023

Date of decision: 29/09/2023