Decision details

Adult Social Care Transformation Update and Procurement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider a report on the adult social care transformation programme and take procurement decisions to support the delivery of the programme.


1.  That the good progress on the delivery of the Adult Social Care transformation programme and the planned phase 2 be noted.


2.  That the procurement of external support to deliver phase 2 of the Adult Social Care transformation programme be approved.


3.  That the direct award of a new six month contract to Peopletoo Limited to provide this support for phase 2 of the Adult Social Care transformation programme at a cost of £215,000 be approved; and delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for People (Adults), following consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to commence formal procedures to procure the contract with Peopletoo Limited.


4.  That the Cabinet receive a further report in February or March 2022 on the future procurement arrangements.


5.  That Lead Members receive an update on the status of contracts due to be tendered in 2021/22 as listed in the report to Cabinet of 12th April 2021.

Publication date: 10/12/2021

Date of decision: 20/12/2021

Decided at meeting: 20/12/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: